Kalanchoe Plant with Pot, 15 to 30 cm, Red

Rs. 399.00
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The Green Paradise Red Kalanchoe

Plant: A Blossoming Marvel of the

Plant Kingdom

About Red Kalanchoe Plant

In the enchanting world of flora, the Red Kalanchoe plant stands as a testament to nature's artistry. With its radiant, sunny hues and tenacious spirit, this remarkable succulent has garnered admirers worldwide. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or a budding plant enthusiast, the Red Kalanchoe deserves a special place in your collection. In this article, we'll explore the captivating world of the Red Kalanchoe, from its origins and unique features to care tips that ensure its health and longevity.

Kalanchoe, pronounced as 'kuh-lan-KOH-ee,' is a genus of plants that belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Native to Madagascar and parts of Africa, this genus boasts over 200 species, each with its own distinctive characteristics. The Red Kalanchoe, with its sunny disposition, is a standout variety in this diverse family.

Distinctive Features

  • The Red Kalanchoe is celebrated for its striking appearance.
  • Its fleshy, spoon-shaped leaves form a rosette that can vary in color from deep green to vibrant yellow, depending on the species and environmental conditions.
  • What truly steals the show, however, are its stunning clusters of petite, bell-shaped Red flowers that burst forth in a glorious display of sunshine.

Caring for the Red Kalanchoe

Caring for the Red Kalanchoe is relatively straightforward, making it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced gardeners.

Here are some essential care tips:

1. Light:

The Red Kalanchoe thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. Place it near a sunny window where it can bask in the filtered sunlight for most of the day.

2. Temperature:

Keep your Red Kalanchoe in a warm environment, ideally between 60°F to 85°F (15°C to 29°C). Cover it from drafts and extreme temperature oscillations.

3. Watering

Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out before watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it's better to underwater than overwater. During the flowering period, water sparingly, as the Orange Kalanchoe is somewhat drought-tolerant.


Use a well-draining succulent or cactus mix. This prevents water from accumulating around the roots, which can be detrimental to the plant.


Feed your Red Kalanchoe with a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) every 4-6 weeks. Avoid fertilizing during the dormant period (fall and winter).


Trim faded flowers and leggy growth to encourage new blooms and maintain a compact shape.


The Red Kalanchoe is easily propagated from leaf or stem cuttings. Simply allow the cuttings to callus for a day or two, then plant them in a well-draining soil mix.

Medicinal and Folklore Uses

  • Aside from its ornamental value, some species of Kalanchoe, including the Red Kalanchoe, are believed to have medicinal properties.
  • Anecdotal reports suggest they can help with ailments such as wounds, inflammation, and respiratory issues.
  • However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional before using any plant for medicinal purposes, as some Kalanchoe species can be toxic if ingested.


Unlocking the Sunshine: A Guide on How to Grow

Red Kalanchoe Plants

The allure of houseplants is undeniable. They bring nature indoors, adding a touch of greenery to our living spaces. Among the many choices available to plant enthusiasts, the Red Kalanchoe stands out for its vibrant, sunshine-like blossoms. If you're looking to cultivate this charming succulent, you're in for a treat. In this guide, we'll explore the art of growing and caring for Orange Kalanchoe plants.

Choosing Your Red Kalanchoe Plant

Before diving into the growing process, you need to find a healthy Red Kalanchoe to bring home.

Here's what to look for when choosing your plant:

Vibrant Red Blooms:

Opt for a plant with bright, cheerful Red flowers. The more vibrant, the better.

Healthy Leaves:

Examine the leaves for any signs of damage, discoloration, or pests. Healthy leaves are plump and free of blemishes.

Compact Growth:

A well-shaped, compact plant is often an indicator of good health. Avoid leggy or stretched-out specimens.

Planting Your Red Kalanchoe

Once you've selected your Red Kalanchoe, it's time to get it into a suitable pot.

Container Choice:

Use a well-draining pot with a drainage hole at the bottom. This keeps water from pooling at the roots.

Potting Mix:

Red Kalanchoe thrives in a well-draining succulent mix. You can also create your mix by combining potting soil with perlite or sand.

Planting Depth:

Plant your Kalanchoe at the same depth it was in its nursery pot. insure the roots are covered but not buried too deep.

Caring for Your Red Kalanchoe

Now that your plant is in its new home, let's talk about the care it needs to flourish.


Red Kalanchoe loves bright, indirect sunlight. A few hours of morning sunlight or filtered light throughout the day will keep it happy.


Between waterings, allow the soil to dry out.Stick your finger about an inch into the soil, and if it's dry, it's time to water. Always water the soil, not the leaves, to prevent rot.

Temperature and Humidity:

These plants prefer temperatures between 60°F to 85°F (15°C to 29°C). They're not fans of cold drafts or extreme humidity.


Feed your Red Kalanchoe with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce or stop fertilizing in the downtime.


To encourage bushier growth, pinch back leggy stems and spent flowers.

Pest Control:

Keep an eye out for common succulent pests like mealybugs and spider diminutives. Treat infestations promptly with insecticidal soap.


  • Red Kalanchoe can be propagated through leaf or stem cuttings.
  • Simply snip a healthy leaf or stem, let it callous for a day or two, and then plant it in well-draining soil.
  • Till new growth grows, keep the soil moist.