Green Paradise Live-Heliconia psittacorum (Golden Torch) Live plant (Healthy Plant)

Rs. 549.00
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Green Paradise Offers Heliconia Pisttacorum Plant

About Heliconia Pisttacorum Plant

It is native to the rainforests of Central and South America, including countries like Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Venezuela. This plant is commonly grown as an ornamental in gardens, parks, and landscapes in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

The following are some of the essential qualities and traits of the Heliconia Pisttacorum plant:


Heliconia psittacorum is a herbaceous imperishable factory with thick, durable stems that, depending on the species, can reach heights of up to 3 to 8 bases(1 to 2.5 measures). species and growing conditions. The leaves are large, broad, and lance-shaped, with a glossy, dark green color.


One of the most distinctive features of this plant is its stunning, colorful bracts that resemble the beak of a parrot, which is how it earned its common name. The true flowers are actually small and inconspicuous, hidden within these bracts. The bracts come in various vibrant colors, such as red, yellow, orange, and green, and their unique shape and appearance make the plant highly desirable for ornamental purposes.

Growing conditions:

Heliconia Psittacorum thrives in warm, humid environments with rich, well-draining soil. It prefers partial shade to full sun, depending on the climate. The plant is relatively hardy but can be sensitive to frost and cold temperatures. It's stylishly suited for USDA hardiness zones 10 to 12.

Care and maintenance:

Providing regular water and maintaining a moist soil environment is crucial for the Heliconia
Psittacorum plant.


around the base of the factory can help retain humidity. It's also essential to provide protection from strong winds, as the large leaves and tall stems can be vulnerable to damage. Regular pruning of old or damaged leaves can help keep the plant healthy and aesthetically pleasing.


Heliconia Pisttacorum can be propagated through the division of rhizomes. Established plants develop clumps of rhizomes over time, and these can be carefully divided to create new plants.

Wildlife attraction:

The bright, showy bracts of Heliconia psittacorum attract pollinators such as hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees, making it a valuable addition to wildlife gardens.

Please note that there are several varieties and hybrids of Heliconia 
Psittacorum with different color variations and characteristics, so the appearance and specific care requirements may vary slightly between them. Always check with local horticultural resources or gardening experts for the most accurate and up-to-date information on caring for this beautiful tropical plant.

How To Grow Psittcorum Plant


Heliconia psittacorum, also known as pantomimist's beak or pantomimist's flower, is a tropical factory native to Central and South America. It is famous for its vibrant and colorful bracts that resemble the beak of a parrot. Growing Heliconia psittacorum requires warm and humid conditions, as it is a tropical plant.

Here are the steps to successfully grow Heliconia psittacorum:

Climate and location:

Heliconia psittacorum thrives in warm, tropical climates. It requires temperatures above 60°F (15°C) and prefers temperatures around 70-90°F (20-32°C). It also needs a lot of humidity, so if you live in a dry climate, you may need to create a more humid microenvironment for the plant.


Heliconia psittacorum prefers bright, indirect sunlight. It can tolerate some dappled shade, This is especially salutary in hot climates.
Avoid placing the plant in full, direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves.


The factory prefers well-draining soil that's rich in organic matter. A mix of peat moss, compost, and perlite is suitable for growing Heliconia psittacorum. Ensure the soil is loose and not compacted to allow proper root development.


Maintain a consistent but not saturated wetness in the soil. Heliconia psittacorum requires regular watering, especially during dry periods. Water the plant at its base to avoid wetting the foliage, as this can lead to fungal issues.


Toxin Feed the factory with a balanced, slow-release toxin during the growing season( spring and summer). Follow the instructions on the toxin package for operation rates and frequency. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it can lead to excess foliage growth and reduced flowering.


Apply a layer of organic mulch around the plant to retain soil moisture and keep the roots cool. This is particularly advantageous in hot regions.


Prune away dead or damaged leaves to promote new growth and maintain the plant's appearance. To promote the growth of fresh blooms, remove wasted flowers.


Heliconia psittacorum can be propagated through division. When the plant has grown large enough, carefully divide the rhizomes (underground stems) with a sharp, clean knife and replant them in separate pots or areas.

Pest and disease control:

Monitor your plant regularly for any signs of pests or diseases. Common issues include spider diminutives, aphids, and fungal conditions. If you notice any problems, take appropriate action to control the infestation or disease promptly.


If you live in a colder climate and want to grow Heliconia psittacorum as a perennial, you'll need to protect it from frost. Consider bringing it indoors during the colder months or providing frost protection in the garden.

Remember that growing tropical plants like Heliconia psittacorum can be challenging outside of their natural habitat. However, with the right care and attention, you can enjoy the stunning beauty of this unique plant.